Stage 1 - Liver Cleanse - Contains:
1 Month Printed Plan
Milk Thistle tablets: Milk Thistle Extract (Herb, Seed)
Liver Detox Tea: Peppermint, Dandelion, Licorice, Chamomile, Centaury, Boldo, Couchgrass, Restharrow, Milk Thistle
Liver Health - The liver helps to filter toxins from the body including excess hormones. If there is an over abundance of estrogen it is the liver’s job to remove it from the system. You can cleanse the Liver to help it work more efficiently.
Stage 2 - Uterine Cleanse - Contains:
1 Month Printed Plan
3 Cleansing Pearls: Dong Quai (angelica), Rhizoma, Mother Wart, Borneol
Organic Rasberry Leaf Tea: Rasberry leaves, Hibiscus, Apple Pomace, Blackberry Leaf, Rosehips.
Cinnamon Tea: 3 Cinnamon organic tea
Uterine Health is very important for reproductive health. Every cycle the uterus is supposed to release the lining that was built that month for the embryo to implant. In some cases the uterus is not completely cleansed every cycle, leaving old stagnant blood. Cleansing the uterus can reduce painful periods, heavy periods and aid conception.
Stage 3 - Balance Hormones - Contains:
3 Month Printed Plan
180 Maca tablets: Maca, L-Arginine, CoEnzymeQ10, Saw Palmetto,Tribulus Terrestris, Muira Puama, Catuaba, Pygeum Africanum
OR 180 tabs - Conceive for Women: L-Arginine and Chasteberry (Vitex), Green Tea, Vitamin E, Selenium, Coenzyme Q10, Folic Acid, vitamins B6 and B12, Iron, Zinc and Magnesium
Licorice Tea: 100% Organic Licorice
Hormone Balance is essential for a healthy body and reproductice cycle. Hormone levels can be influenced by stress, fluid changes in the body, vitamin and mineral levels, infection, exposure to environmental toxins and the amount of body fat we have. A hormone imbalance can also often occure after miscarriage, birth control, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
*It is important to note that a Fertility Cleanse is to improve fertility and health in general and should be done Before trying to conceive not while Trying To Conceive, Pregnant or Breastfeeding so to prevent your baby from being exposed to the toxins circulating while leaving the body.
We recommend avoiding Caffeine, Alcohol, Nicotine and some prescription drugs while cleansing. Please contact us if you are unsure whether cleansing is right for you and your current medication
Female Fertility Cleanse
While cleansing is beneficial, not just any cleanse is going to be beneficial for fertility. A Fertility Cleanse* is specific to the reproductive system and assists the body in eliminating the additional burden of substances not good for fertility. Over the course of 3-4 months our fertility cleanse aims to cleanse the body and aid fertility. Each stage contains a mix of natural herbs, supplements and teas with an easy to follow plan.